10% DISCOUNT on morning lessons
Browse the offerings below to find the best fit for your goals. For private instruction, check out the lesson options. For group instruction, see Beginner Group Lessons, Young Musicians Groups, or Joyful Noise.
Online booking is not currently available. All booking and scheduling must be done by email/phone with Amelia.
For young musicians, ages 5-7
*Please contact Amelia for scheduling*
Beginner lessons are offered for either Piano or Voice. At this age level a 30 minute lesson is developmentally most beneficial. These lessons are meant to introduce young musicians to their instrument and the routines of a structured lesson and home-practice. Beginner lessons set our young ones up for maximum success and excitement as they progress toward full lessons.
*Ukulele for beginners is also offered to all ages at the same rate.
* $300 course fee due quarterly; books to be ordered at
additional cost.
Private Instruction for all levels, ages 8+
*Please contact Amelia for scheduling*
Piano lessons are for 40 or 60 minutes, once per week. The purpose is to develop our students into capable, joyful, life-long musicians! We achieve this by studying technique & artistry, theory, a variety of genres, and performance skills.
* $350 or $400 course fee due quarterly; books to be ordered at
additional cost.
Private Instruction for all levels,
ages 8+
*Please contact Amelia for scheduling*
Voice lessons are for 40 or 60 minutes, once per week. The purpose is to develop our students into capable, joyful, confident musicians! We achieve this by studying classical technique & artistry, theory, a variety of genres, and performance skills.
Most lessons are exercise-based to build good technique and healthy vocal function, which is applied to singing in all genres. Singers will learn the best way to use and care for their instrument.
* $350 or $400 course fee due quarterly; materials ordered at
additional cost.
For beginners, ages 5-7
*Please contact Amelia for scheduling*
These small groups of 2-4 students meet once a week for 40 minutes, and are offered for piano or voice. Our groups have the same goals as private students, but may better suit the needs of some young musicians. Group instruction allows for students to engage with and learn from their peers, while enjoying a slightly faster pace and a bit more variety than a private lesson.
*$200 course fee due quarterly; materials ordered at additional cost.
Ages 2-4
*Please contact Amelia for scheduling*
Your little one may not benefit from a formal, sit-down lesson; this is the age to move and explore!
These groups meet once a week for 45 minutes. You and your little one will enjoy this class with up to 5 other parent-student pairs. Our class explores how to feel music, have fun with it, and express ourselves through it. Studying and making music does wonders for child development, and our group setting offers the special benefit of socializing and making new friends.
Some regular activities for these groups:
- Dancing and moving
- Singing
- Guided listening
- Theory-based crafts and puzzles
- Games
- Instrument show and tell
* $150 quarterly fee
Classes for Senior Living Communities
These group classes are fun, stimulating, and interactive for Senior Citizens! Our activities engage the mind, body, and spirit, and are easily adapted to accommodate participants' needs. The goal is to bring enrichment and fulfillment to our musicians through connection and expression. These classes are for anyone who is ready to "make a joyful noise!"
Not sure that your activities/recreation budget allows for these classes? Please email, and let's work something out!